Augmented Reality Illustrations and Instagram Filters

I have created a video about the art process for my first Augmented Reality illustration which was exhibited for the first time last month right at the start of this Coronavirus craziness. I talk about the concept behind this piece - a visual response to a poem written by a man while in confinement, as part of the Free On The Inside Program at the Everglades Correctional Institution here in Florida. You will also get some insight into my process as an illustrator and the steps I had to take to bring this project to its fruition. It's not very specific about the augmented reality portion, but more of a global artistic process. I think some of you might enjoy this. :)


My latest weekly vlog is up on my YouTube channel. I learned (taught myself, really) how to properly, or at least semi-decently (hopefully professionally) frame an art print. I got some basic supplies like double stick tape, acid-free foam backing boards, and archival photo corners. Here’s a recap of what happened. I hope you enjoy it!