Texas Botanical Map Illustration | Real-Time Art Process Video Series

There is so much value in the process behind any work of art. Documenting the process behind art is probably just as valuable (maybe even more!) than the final result. Here are three real-time videos for the creation of my Texas state botanical map. The first is the sketch, the second is the ink, the third is the color.

I will be publishing the shorter version (an art recap) of the entire process on my YouTube channel tomorrow. The next step will be to create the augmented reality portion of this illustration. Once that is done I will post a quick video showing that and I will launch the prints in my store.


Mexican Sunflower : Coloring an Illustration on Procreate

I can’t believe it’s the last day of September! I’m getting ready to start working on Inktober. I will reveal my theme in my next post. But for today, I wanted to share this new video I just uploaded on my YouTube channel.

Mexican Sunflower (Tithonia rotundifolia) - a quick recap of my coloring process on Procreate.


Florida Botanical Map Coloring Timelapse on Procreate

I am about to add the finishing touches on my second map of the United States Botanical Map project which is Florida! This is piece is super lush and layered…wait until you get to see the augmented reality version! I’m super proud of this one.

This means that only 48 more maps to go to finish the first set! HA! I will be creating a full map of our country once I finish the states. Yay! 🇺🇸

I only got video of this part of the process because I have been working on this piece only during bits of moments I have been able to carve out during the last couple of months. I added a really nice and mellow jazz playlist to the video, so if you get tired of watching you can just listen along! I really hope you enjoy watching it.

What is augmented reality art?

Ever since one of my TikTok videos went viral, I have had tons of people asking me about what AR is and how it works.


I want to briefly explain what it is, how it works, and how I am applying it to my artwork to create dream-like versions of my illustrations.

Augmented reality is basically an interactive experience of a real-world environment.

Augmented reality works by combining an existing artwork with a platform that will allow the AR component to work. In my case, I use an Instagram filter to make my stickers and postcards come to life.


There is a free program called Spark AR that allows users to build and upload filters to both Instagram and Facebook. The AR community is extremely active and helpful and you can find a myriad of resources, including tutorials, to get you started on your augmented reality journey if it’s something that interests you..

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I think the applications of augmented reality on art are going to be endless and it’s a portal that will lead us, artists, to explore things we have not even dreamed of before! It’s an exciting moment, there’s a huge interest and sense of awe with this technology, and it feels great being able to partake in it.

Do you currently merge your art, illustrations, or paintings, with augmented reality?

Bee the Universe - Motion Graphics and Illustrations

This is a very special video and I will briefly tell you the story. There was a call for art for Time Square last year and I became obsessed with the notion of having my work displayed in the screens for millions of people to see. I called my good friends at INFOCUS, an amazing audiovisual production company, and we agreed to embark on this journey together. We created a collection of little illustrated universes and brought them to life with the power of After Effects. The premise behind the story is to show the importance of bees in our ecosystem, and how fragile our lives are because we depend on them so much. If we wipe them out that means our human race will not last for too long. It's a beautiful reminder to protect and take care of these little creatures. We did not make the final cut for the Time Square Arts project but are very happy to have this gorgeous video as a result. We hope you love it too!


This week was a whirlwind of crazy long hours but it was so worth it. We had the opening of my first solo exhibit, Botanica Animalia, on Friday night. It’s going to be on display until July 5, 2019 and it’s located at the Pompano Beach Cultural Center in South Florida. I was so caught up in the whole thing that I totally forgot to film stuff. Sorry! But you get to see a little behind-the-scenes of the installation and how it all came together. I hope you enjoy it!