What is augmented reality art?

Ever since one of my TikTok videos went viral, I have had tons of people asking me about what AR is and how it works.


I want to briefly explain what it is, how it works, and how I am applying it to my artwork to create dream-like versions of my illustrations.

Augmented reality is basically an interactive experience of a real-world environment.

Augmented reality works by combining an existing artwork with a platform that will allow the AR component to work. In my case, I use an Instagram filter to make my stickers and postcards come to life.


There is a free program called Spark AR that allows users to build and upload filters to both Instagram and Facebook. The AR community is extremely active and helpful and you can find a myriad of resources, including tutorials, to get you started on your augmented reality journey if it’s something that interests you..

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I think the applications of augmented reality on art are going to be endless and it’s a portal that will lead us, artists, to explore things we have not even dreamed of before! It’s an exciting moment, there’s a huge interest and sense of awe with this technology, and it feels great being able to partake in it.

Do you currently merge your art, illustrations, or paintings, with augmented reality?

Essential Business Practices, Contracts, and Tools for Creatives - Graphic Artists Guild Live Chat

I was invited to be one of the panelists in the Graphic Artists Guild Live Chat event that took place in Oakland Park, Florida several weeks ago. And what a great event it was! I was able to meet a group of very talented and charismatic creatives from all walks of life. We discussed some of the most common and often difficult issues we as artists are faced with during our career. This includes things such as when and how to properly use contracts, how it's OK to say NO! and not take a job, and even what unexpected tools we are using to make our lives as professionals easier. It's a great watch! Pass it on to your creative colleagues and share these insights.